Stefanie and Dakini Wild have a conversation about the Eye of the Needle
What is the Eye of the Needle?
St. John of the Cross speaks about a key phase of the soul’s awakening:
The Eye of the Needle. (mostly paraphrased)
The ‘eye of the needle’ speaks to a specific transition that each mind will go through.
The eye of the needle is not a test; It speaks to a deep, and rare stage of what we could call the realization of Christed Being.
To throw out all the mind’s crutches and enter the Eye of the Needle, the unknown and utterly unknowable, even as the reverberations of stuck stark disorientation and terror strikes from stem to stern.
This is but a brief attempt at a taste of the Eye of the Needle.
As for Eye of the Needle, it awaits on the other side of all leaning on any kind of spiritualty, conceptually. There, when one truly surrenders into God, utterly and truly with empty hands, with no subtle hope of gaining anything, especially not safety, knowledge, or even hope.
The Eye of the Needle arises when ego as identity has been transcended, with only a tiny thread left: the one attached to any and all thought systems/explanations obstructing minds great fear: not knowing.
Beyond all hope in hope itself. Beyond all dualities.
These spheres obliterate it all.
What remains?
Only one way to find out, and no one genuinely devoted to waking and transformation will avoid the eye of the needle in ripe time.
Coming to love only God is the very gravitational pull that insures its inevitable arrival.
I want to thank you Stefanie and Loyd for your loving guidance through the dark night (dark years). Your constant light against the waves of ego falsity made me go for it without trying to grip the sides. And it's just like you said, and more, on the other side of it. Blessed be.
I encourage everyone who is in the process to keep going, especially through what appears to be the worst sticky moments, look for your mighty companions, they are all around.
~Michele Hull Jacobs
Stefanie and Lloyd have been like my Rock of Gibraltar. Their caring and understanding of what I’ve been going through has been very relieving and comforting. Without them and other mighty companions I truly don’t know if I could get through it. As Ken W says, “not only do you need Jesus/Holy Spirit’s hand to hold but also a friend’s hand to hold through this period. It is so painful.
~Kathy Jones
We are now talking to many people from around the world, who are experiencing terror on their journey, and we can tell you that talking to companions who have gone through it is truly helpful to all involved.
We share 100% from our heart and our own experience, and offer tips to help navigate you through it.
Stef & Lloyd
From Stef...
In 2019, I began going through a deeply challenging spiritual purification process, which climaxed with several “Eye of the Needle” episodes, where I was quite literally fighting for my life.
I’m sharing my process here not to frighten anyone, but to simply share my experience and maybe create more awareness around the Eye of the Needle purification process; A subject that is rarely talked about.
I trust that if you’re reading these words you are ready to hear about the Eye of the Needle, which has been explained by St. John of the Cross as “a deep, and rare stage of what we could call the realization of Christed Being.”
Many spiritual leaders who have gone through the Eye of the Needle (EOTN) don’t talk about it openly, because quite frankly most people wouldn’t understand it – as they haven’t gone through it. You have to go through it to understand exactly what it is like.
From my experience I can say that this is a process that is so potentially brutal it takes every bit of fortitude and inner determination you can muster, just to get through it.
Luckily for me, I had several mighty companions who helped me greatly through this deeply challenging time.
Because my partner Lloyd had already gone through the Eye of the Needle experience, he helped me immensely just by sharing his experience and being there as a constant beacon and lighthouse.
Linda O’Connell, a fellow angel channeler and long-time Course student, was paired up with me by spirit, to travel with me side-by-side through this journey. If we didn’t have each others’ support and love we don’t know how we would have gotten through, especially the actual “Eye of the Needle” portion of the purification process.
Eighteen days before Lloyd arrived in Newfoundland to pick me up to move to Ontario with him, I received a message from Spirit that I was about to go through an accelerated purification process called the Eye of the Needle, and that I would be assisted.
I knew in my heart I was on the precipice of something big.
And then it started.
On September 3, after arriving home from having lunch with a friend, I began to experience a strong feeling of pressure in my head. After asking the Spirit what this pressure was, I heard the word: “Subconscious.”
It felt as though a powerful frequency was streaming in through all sides of my head and in the process dredging up all my unconscious guilt and fear of God, to be purified.
This was the beginning of a 16-day marathon of terror, where I felt the most ferocious fear one could imagine, from the time I woke up in the morning until I fell asleep at night.
To this day I have no idea how I got through it.
I was filled with so much anxiety and despair, throughout each second, minute and hour of each day, I could barely function.
Something in me knew I needed to keep moving through my day in the best way I could, doing my normal activities. I would periodically lay on the bed or sit in a chair in a reclined position and take deep cleansing breaths, which brought a fleeting relief, followed again by complete terror and severe mental anguish. There was very little relief no matter what I did.
It felt like I was on the most terrifying roller coaster in the universe, hanging on for my life.
During this time I developed a temporary form of what the spirit called PTDD, or, Post Traumatic Distress Disorder. I couldn’t bare to pass a person on the street without going into severe anxiety. The soft flow of water or the clicking of a switch caused major irritation and panic.
Below is the time-line of the guidance I received during the 7-month process, including the 16-day Eye of the Needle portion of the process.
In March of 2019 I received a channel from a team of Ascended Masters, which included a snapshot of my imminent 7-month spiritual purification process.
· God is calling you now to do His work
· Trust that every step is laid out impeccably before you
· The most important components of this awakening is stillness and oneness. Let Him guide your moves now so you don’t have to
Then on June 13, 2019 (from the Ascended Masters, or Team of Awakeners)
· There’s a team of awakeners with you now
· You are going through a light body activation. You cannot choose this light body activation, this (the Merkabah) chooses you
· There are layers being activated, both singularly and as one
· At the culmination of this there will be joy
· Merkabah aspects are being released from heaven to soothe your soul and calm you down
On June 15, 2019, I heard the following guidance
· We are a team of awakeners working with you now. We come saturated in God’s love. The nexus of love is a combination of star light codes from a sanctuary of light
· The Star of David has arisen
· You’re going through a software replacement. A standard of greatness so high that the activation replaces your reality
June 20, 2019
· There is a single-pointed focus that is being asked of you now. An unfaltering and unwavering present-moment awareness
· There is an energy field surrounding you now that you can draw on
· Your level of mastery will increase over the coming days
· We are offering a systematic approach. Coming to you from all angles, for the purpose of rapid ascension
· We offer light, frequency
· We see you saturated in love
· Reach high into your faith now
On September 1, 2019, two days before what would be the first of numerous Eye of the Needle marathons, I received the following guidance from Spirit
· You’re on an accelerated path of awakening
· There’s an expansion happening and you’re going to be part of it
· You will be assisted
· The Mind of God is here. You’re almost Home, and the ego screams loudest when you’re sliding into Home base
Here are some insights about the Eye of the Needle, from my partner Lloyd and others, and also based on my own experience.
· Do not stop at the outside ring of fear. When you feel this level of terror from the ego (the fear of God), you have to keep going.
· The ego does not go easily.
· The “dark night of the soul” is not the same as “the Eye of the Needle.” They are two completely different experiences designed for different points on your awakening journey
You will come out the other side
Here's an excerpt from the book "The Disappearance of the Universe", about Jesus going through the eye of the needle:
"His Love, like God's, was total, impersonal, non-selective and all embracing. He treated everyone equally, from rabbi to prostitute. He was not a body. He was no longer a human being. He had passed through the eye of the needle. He had reclaimed his place with God as pure spirit. This is pure non-dualism: an attitude that, along with the Holy Spirit, will lead you to what you are. You and J are the same thing. We all are. There is nothing else, but you need more training and practice to experience this."
Beyond the eye of the needle is a saturated blessing of innocence
There is no faltering anymore into a state of emergency or lack
There is wonder and an awareness of truth
You will never be the same again after this excruciating pulling away of the husk
The darkness has fallen away now as the light penetrates the morn
You are born anew in this new time of now
Behold I make all things new
And so it is
Channeled by Stefanie Finn
When you get to a certain point in your awakening, the ego pulls out all stops and becomes very viscous which can result in out and out physical attack and mental attack.
I personally ended up in the hospital twice. And Stefanie has been through the ringer also . We still experience periodic attacks but pay no attention anymore.
It takes abundant conviction to stay centered and trusting that the Holy Spirit will get you through.
We've opened ourselves up to talking to many who are experiencing this kind of terror in their journey (all over the world) which is truly helpful to all involved. When I went through it, I had no one to talk too. But I trusted the Holy Spirit to get me through.
In my mind I have a pretty good idea that this is what Doreen Virture went through and the ego convinced her to turn against ACIM and repent for her blasphemy. She was in total fear when the ego retaliated.
When this shit first started to happen to me , the fear of God came forthright and I thought that God can caught up with me. I was in terror.
None of us think that we are afraid of God because the guilt over the fact that we think we separated from God is buried deep within the unconscious mind.
It must rise to the surface and be looked at and forgiven and then released to the Holy Spirit.
To be vigilant for God and His Kingdom takes abundant willingness.
The ego does not go lightly but is no match for the Holy Spirit.
What Cate Grieves says about the EOTN:
When in the Eye of the Needle stage of awakening, the ego floods your mind with so much fear - actually the fear of death is really sparking up massively in your mind. It is the fear of God as well, but many feel it as the fear of death. You will just be mindless for long periods of time. I used to write notes to myself and put them around the house, because you just won't be able to remember that you can choose another way. But when you do really get quiet and choose Jesus, he will come in and help you and he will carry you across that bridge where you just bring to him your fear of death, fear of suffering, fear of the unknown, and that's where he meets you and you look at it together. You're completely mindless in that state. It's difficult.
More on what Lloyd says about the EOTN:
During this stage, it's not that the decision maker has chosen the wrong teacher, and is suffering because of that, it's that the ego is so vicious it doesn't want you to access the decision-making mind. It's blocking you from choose another teacher. So never feel guilty for not being able to choose again while in this stage of your journey.
(by Stefanie Finn)
The eye of the needle is the last hurrah of the ego. It is a serenade and no-love-lost attitude of the ego. It cannot separate you from God who is your source and almighty counter-part of creation.
A tremendous resistance comes during this time of awakening.
Svelte is the one who can bring themselves around and topple over the ego with a Thought of God.
The time will come when you will match God’s Light.
Your wisdom will behold you and navigate you through this.
Focus on nothing but staying in the moment.
There will be a turn-around and the light will come.
Your angels are 100% in your midst. Feel them gently and serenely ease your mind.
This is a fastidious approach to truth, whereby the needle is pointing and prodding at specific perceived errors.
The mind is being chastised however you are flipping the switch to God instead.
The rubber meets the road when forgiveness enters in.
Seek deeply for the light above your head.
Softly penetrate God’s Mind and ask that it be shown to you.
Nothing can hurt you.
You are loved, assisted and fortified each night with new power.
•With each setting sun, sigh a deep relief and enter into a period of immense stillness. These are your anchor points and your opening points for more love to enter.
•With each new day face the sun and tell God you are here to wake up, and that more than anything, “I want the peace of God.”
The eye of the needle is the last hurrah of the ego. It is a serenade and no-love-lost attitude of the ego. It cannot separate you from God who is your source and almighty counter-part of creation.
This too shall pass. It is a brilliant promise from God Himself.
Mighty is the one who waits under the lapel of God’s Love for the storm to pass.
I will join with you as someone who has experienced the Eye of the Needle and offer some tips to help you get through. I'll also explain what the eye of the needle is in more detail, and why it's so challenging. Together we will shine some light on your journey through this rare stage, and bring some relief and healing.
Here is our interview discussing our experience with The Eye of Needle - which is a specific transition mind will go through in awakening. It is a deep and rare stage of what we could call the realization of Christed Being.
The forces have come for every liberated being.